Playmate Protocols: Being So Good You Get Invited Back!

Woman wearing white lingerie caressing her playmate

These are my top ten tips for being the best swinging playmate guest you can be:

  1. Always check in with the host as to what to wear if they haven’t already told you. That way you are all wearing something similar whether it’s something sexy or casual. You might even have to wear cocktail attire although you may want to confirm their definition of that ;)
  2. Bring everything you want or need for play such as your favourite toys, condoms and lube. They may not have your preferred brand or have enough for you, so assume they don’t. It’s best to bring your own anyway. I always take my little leopard print bag with condoms, my favourite lube and my magic bullet to make sure I have orgasmic fun.
  3. Cleanliness is important, make sure you have a shower as close to your arrival time as possible. Brush your teeth and use mouthwash to guarantee you have fresh breath. Smelling good and being clean are big factors in keeping you on the “call back” list. Poor hygiene and bad smells are deal breakers for most people, regardless of how talented your tongue is.
  4. Arrive on time or within 5 minutes either way of the agreed time. If you are going to be late, call before the arrival time and let them know what time you will be there but do whatever you can to be on time as they may have dinner set for just after your arrival.
  5. Don’t arrive empty handed even if they have said you don’t need to bring anything. Bring whatever you want to drink and bring enough of it for the whole night so you aren’t dipping into their alcohol stores. If they offer however, you are more than welcome to accept but it’s not polite to ask just because you ran out.
  6. Take something to eat especially if you are allergic to certain foods. It’s best to take your own snacks so that they don’t have to go out of their way to buy extra things you can eat. They may not even think to ask but if you have a serious allergy that causes anaphylaxis, absolutely let your host/ess know so they don’t cook something that could kill you. Even offer to bring something that you know is safe for you to eat for dinner or suggest a recipe or a small list of dinner options that they can choose from.
  7. It’s their house so treat it with respect; always use coasters if they do, don’t put your feet on the couch with shoes on or on the coffee table, put your dishes in the sink or dishwasher unless they insist that you don’t, leave the toilet and bathroom as you found it (seat up or down and sink area clean and dry if you’ve splashed water everywhere). It’s surprising how many people don’t do these simple things, hence why they fall off the “favourite playmate” list.
  8. Follow their lead for where to eat and where to sit etc, and if you aren’t sure what’s ok and what’s not, ask. Also allow them to lead the evening into play, it’s not good form to push to get naked before the hosts are ready and it’s extra polite to ask if it’s ok to do xyz to their partner, or to them, before you do anything. An exceptional playmate will also take the time to find out where the hot buttons are for their hosts so they can make it a night to remember!
  9. Where possible, don’t play and run the moment the orgasms are done for you… Well, unless they kick you out but that hardly ever happens. Stay and make sure they have had enough pleasure; a good playmate makes sure everyone is also all orgasmed out. Oh and a good playmate guest sends a text message or email the next day to thank them and let them know how much fun they had. There is nothing like a grateful guest but don’t go overboard, flowers and chocolates are not necessary… Although I would never say no to some chocolates.
  10. Wait to be invited to stay and if the invite isn’t forthcoming, assume you are driving home but if your hosts offer a coffee/tea or something, it’s good manners to accept but don’t stay too long. If they are yawning lots then it’s a sign they are tired and it’s time to go even if they haven’t suggested it. Likewise if you are too, then best to leave so that you can drive home safely.

It’s not really that hard to be a great playmate guest; have manners, respect, be grateful, giving and attentive and you will stand out above many. If you can be easy going, funny, social and talented in the bedroom then you’ll go to the top of the list! Oh and they’ll brag about how good you are to their other swinger friends so you’ll easily get more quality playmates along the way.

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Comments (28)

  • Nykirys
    What a silly article. It's all focused on the host. What the host to please the host. Yes of course it is important to be polite where ever you go but this is a two way street otherwise the invitee is just trying to bend over backwards to 'get an invitation back'. I agree with one of the comments below...I would expect not to have to bring everything with me when I get invited to somebody's house. If I said to somebody don't bring anything 8 expect them to do just that.
    It is most definitely one sided that is for sure.
  • Hottietottie98
    Very one sided. As the invited, you have made the effort to travel to the invitees house. There does not appear to be much in the way of giving back from the invitee apart from hosting and essentially that is just providing a bed? I would expect a mutual balance, not for me to have to turn up with a byo home. Anyway I wouldn't.
  • littlereddress
    A bit over the top. Who needs to be told to shower or brush their teeth. Useless article
  • spank.me2015
    Its not rocket science yet it's amazing how much disrespect there is in society these days. Most people seem to have the "it's all about me" syndrome. If society could lose this attitude then imagine what a great world we could all be living in. A bit of thoughtfulness and respect doesn't go astray and I do agree with the 10 points listed but keep in mind. The hosts have to be respectful and accommodating as well. Play time isn't a one way street and even simple things like communication (asking what all parties like and dislike) can lead to an awesome time. Just remember...... MUTUAL RESPECT......... ;-)
  • ReadyToPerform
    I'm going to my first play date soon, I love the article and will definitely follow it, thank you :)
  • shavedpussy4
    Hi I do agree with what u say
  • douglas26
    I am that polite and respectable gentleman that has done that for years! I always conduct myself in polite manners and have true class, will not engage in sexual activies unless clean shaven and showered wearing calvin klein!
  • hotpussy80
    Yes i do agree with u and alot of people and as it is polite that some one could just answer some one even if u have winked them either thank u but u are not my type or i would love to get to know u. I am on here looking for a nice lady and see what happens not game players
  • missfussy1971
    well i must get all the dirty rotten mutts thats all i can say i host everytime my house is spotless im always offerng drinks etc im respectful to them my hygiene is of vey high standard for myself and every guy i get does a blow and go or spins a whole heap of shit they will call blah blah im very honest in my profile etc so what the bloody hell am i doing wrong ? any tips ill take anything positive and work with it maybe im just to nice or just the oddball on sites like this ?
    What a pity that the common manners sometimes have to be spelt out to some people that the rest of us take for granted(fair comment only)
  • Johansenn
    I do completely agree with you Chantelle. Manners,respect and hygiene is a key point when meeting people.
  • DeeBayDes
    I agree Chantelle. In todays world manners are becoming extinct, Bad manners taking there place, I was bought up with manners and respect for your elders to. That is becoming extinct also. I always lived by--do unto others as you expect them do unto you.
    Still live by those beliefs.
  • 240diesel
    In a time-poor world, where etiquette and a general sense of caring for others' well-being,(both at an individual and Community level), can be lost in the rush of the daily grind, Chantelle's article serves to remind us that, not only should we aim to 'be our very best' in all things, but polite behaviour amongst 'civilised' people, is always far preferable to the alternative. Surely the totally unacceptable level of violence against women in our community is evidence enough of this! Chantelle's "10 Commandments" get the thumbs-up from me:)
  • Windemere
    A great article Chantelle. It's amazing how many people lack proper manners or common sense. Beautifully put.
  • happy-boy
    I'm just tying to find the delete button!!!! + of course I'm all the above & actually a very genuine person as well.
  • Adznutz
    I couldn't agree more Chantelle. Especially a big fan of #8. I take pride in this one & could be considered a fault as I enjoy those I am with to bring to orgasm, I forget about my own.
  • krazykempsey
    its also polite not to have a puff on a ciggie just before you get there
  • dontnoask
    U got to get past the snobs 1st instead of looking and running take a bit of time to get to no ppl 1st
  • bigboz345
    All the points you have raised are common sense,and remember guys NO means NO and you will go a long way.
  • sol124
    Great article and tips. I hope MANY people will read it! Its definitely needed out there..
  • CallOfTheWild50
    I think every point made is something I would to naturally having been raised with manners and respect.
    For me these are all common sense items and I am astounded at the number of people who don't think so.
    Raise your children to have manners and the world will be a better place.
  • enakragus
    Thanks for that information Chantelle. I'm new to all this and was worried it would be all rough and dirty, but I think now I realize it's like anything really - do the right thing, everyone will be happy and you'll get looked after in the future!
  • Good2Go1961
    Great tips, especially number 2 & 9.
  • willie.j
    Great advice Chantelle, this is normal protocol for my generation, good manners is so important along with good hygiene, good luck folks and enjoy
  • Curious1947
    A Hand Towel or small Pkt. WIPES in your bag is handy too...cxx.
  • moory66
    Hi Chantelle we are a mature couple in our 60's and find there is not much out there for us, timewasters a plenty but only afew in our category. A bit of advice could be a bonus. Regards Jon & Anita
  • Darlee69
    I think all your points are very good ones and there are a lot of people out there who should read them.
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