Let's have a threesome!

Three pairs of shoes sitting beside a bed while their owners have a threesome

When you say, “let’s have a threesome” what do you mean exactly?

I read a forum question about this recently and it was talking about the various ways people define what a threesome is in terms of who does what, where the pleasure is focused and the configurations both men and women prefer, and why. So I thought it might be worth sharing what I learned, what I think and allow you to explore the definition for yourself.

So the typical configurations when it comes to the average couple is MFM or FMF threesome, and typically men love the idea of FMF’s more than MFM’s. I say “typically” but know there are plenty of men out there who are not your typical men (hats off to you guys). You can have MMM’s and FFF’s too, they just aren’t as talked about. The types are still relevant to these but I just won’t be focused on them.

Now there are at least three ways threesomes work (no pun intended but it works so go with it): Unidirectional, bidirectional and multidirectional.

The issue that some men have when thinking about having another man naked in the room with them, is a fear/worry about the other man touching or playing with them in some way. If you’re into that sort of thing then yes it could be, however, in a unidirectional scenario, it’s more like having a team mate to help overload her senses; two-on-one, a kind of mission to see how orgasmic you can make her when you have extra hands, an extra tongue and another rock hard to pleasure her with. Which can be really nice for the female in the centre (I can vouch for that).

So unidirectional is where the pleasure focus is in one direction. It’s also done as an MFM where the female is pleasuring both the guys however and wherever possible, which is a very familiar scenario (often the favourite in porn for men), and the other variation on this one is in an FMF where the pleasure focus is on the man from both women. This specific scenario tends to rank number one on men’s fantasy bucket list, and who can blame them, I like it when it’s all about me too!

Bidirectional is where you have two out of the three parties pleasuring each other while the third watches or plays with themselves, and then often at some point one person is almost tapped out and the waiting person steps in. This is a good scenario when you have one person who is needs a break i.e. when you’re into the hard-core penetration part of the night and the orgasm hasn’t eventuated yet. It can be two guys who swap in and out so the female can orgasm, or the two girls swapping for a guy who mimics the Duracell/Energizer bunny and keeps going and going and… you get the point.

Multidirectional is literally an all in! I personally quite like this scenario and it’s more likely if the two same sex participants are at least bi-curious or bisexual (although technically this could be bi-directional… but that would be confusing). This is where the play is shared, you have 2 hands and one is on each of the other participants and you have at least 2 different body parts playing with you. It can be a daisy chain where it’s more of a circular pattern of play that changes direction (perhaps that’s another type altogether… but let’s not complicate things).

In reality what often happens is you all start with one type, move onto another and sometimes incorporate all 3 to some degree. There are no strict rules stating you must start and finish with the same type, although I can just see it now, the Police turning up on your doorstep with their fine book and giving you a ticket for straying from unidirectional to multidirectional… Ha!

So there you have it… just when you thought you were all talking about the same thing I’ve gone and blown the lid off it and muddied the waters with all my threesome techno-geek speak. Suffice it to say, now that you know, all you have to do is ask a few simple questions to decipher if the image you have in your head is the same as theirs when you get asked “would you like to have a threesome?”

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Comments (81)

  • studforcouple
    Always worried that it might hurt doing a double penetration.
  • skyclad50s
    I've had ffm and mmf. My mmf was in Kathmandu of all places. Both were enjoyable and I am actively seeking more mmf. I'd love to have a mmm. Relax and go with the flow.
  • tas50male
    Can't beat a multidirectional, that way everyone is pleasured with an open focus on which ever bodyart option happens to appear during play.
  • lickylouie
    Yes love the MFM threesome the best. Well written article. Thing is everyone needs to be comfortable and yes it truly heightens your libido for many days afterwards.....Choose the third wheel carefully and remember it is pure lust and enjoyment and remember who truly loves you is your partner who has the sexual maturity to allow this great experience to happen. Cheers Love It
  • sweetangelic2
    Lol multidirectional all the way would be my preference, but in saying that all about me is good too. So long as you feel comfortable and boundaries are respected then just get in and play...
  • Readytoplease91
    It's kinda my fantasy and I'd love to have one ;)
  • broncobillyt
    Dunno if I could go that scenario. I've always been one to focus on the one person in the bedroom. That means I will do everything I can to make sure that she derives as much pleasure as possible.
  • hadon150
    Who worries just let it flow regardless of what's happening as long as every one is getting their jollies
  • zoomzoom13
    it has to have a balance in the practice ...because simply there are 3...not 2...so one must have a happy envioroment sexual for everyones comfort and to keep issues out and to enjoy the moment with 3...and all have a good time.i had experience with past bi girlfriend 3s.with male and you ask if it is a good balance and yes i this i that all good...then it is more like her..her ..more her and she gets unconfortable and i dont see it great as i need some to so ...yeah balance and balance respect the choice you are making and all enjoy.
  • Sultryz
    Great article, for myself I love nothing better than watching another male explore my wife's body which satisfies us both on multiple levels.
  • jimb031951
    Flashjewels said it for me. One of my most memorable sights during my only FMF experience was watching the girls in a 69 position. Gets me hard just thinking about it. Having said that one kissing me passionately and one sucking my cock came a very close second. It's a two way street though, everyone needs to leave with the feeling that were the focus and weren't left out. I remember talking to a lady who was telling me of her FMF and she left the action because all the focus was between the other FM.
  • maani35
    had mmf that was awesome
  • mmfbimale
    MMF ism definitely our favourite. Very good read
  • luckyforsum617
    Do enjoy FFM very much as get to explore both parties and enjoy and have fun ,,also enjoy 4 somes with the right couple
  • luckyforsum617
    Never had MMF,but had a few FFM and do enjoy
  • petelics
    Just arrived home after a MFM,with me as the centre of some intensive action.Fantastic orgasms,but they certainly didn't miss out!! Love MFM's
  • Blackdiamond01
    Ffm is awesome and Mfm is great when there's openess and passion
  • hotasianchic
    IM a M love 3some mfm what is better then to see your lovely partner cum again with some one else plus with your self, truly unselfish consideration for your partners pleasure is always well rewarded
  • Herbertgirl
    My wife and I have recently had our first MFM encounter and for the both of us turned out to be the best thing we've done for our sex life. It has given her an opportunity to have sex with other guys and to release her inner porn star without having any guilt as I'm always with her and for me to watch my wife in action has been nothing but an amazing turn on. I knew I wanted to see her with another guy but I had no idea how really beautiful she is and believe me it has been great for us as it has rekindled our love and our sex with each other to the point I haven thought of sex with any other woman except her. All I can say to anyone is make sure you and your partner are doing it for each other because if you are then you're both in for great times together.
  • happynsensual
    We have been doing multi-directional threesomes for a very long time and it doesn't matter to us whether it is MFM or FMF. They are amazing both of them for all of us. We do one about every fortnight when my hubby is home.
  • Comeplay2
    Multi bidirectional ROCKS !!!!!! :)
  • SweetHanna88
    I have had several MMF FFM... all great...and mostly with older men
  • satisfymeNOWmm
    Ok..Lets explore all three ways ;-)
  • Dinks67
    Yes all sounds good to us. We are straight but not shy to get close to same sex if its a means to pleasuring the partner. We love couple on couple where we play together swapping partners and also playing with each other through the course of the evening. Sometimes sitting back and enjoy watching the other with another person. But then we also love mfm. Here I the male loves to take a step back and watch my wife enjoy the delights of another man and every so often join in where theres a gap sort of speak.
  • 1st.ROSE
    I suppose I'm just greedy ..I love it ALL hmmmmm
  • michaelina
    Nice to have someoneelse's opinion, but still would love the FFM, not any other... Sorry
  • softlysassy
    They all sound fun to me.
  • suzie007
    yeah good points Chantelle, you've covered a lot! Many variations main point being, that all participants LIKE what they're doing, a regard for everyone, it happens when experience kicks in!
  • tattoorob
    tattoorob well our threesome didnt turn out the way i wanted the male took over her and for 4 hours he fucked her in every position even anally she didnt want me on the bed with them just wanted me to watch but she refused to have a girl that i could enjoy even though i let her fuck 4 other men she didnt want me to join in with them is she a selfish bitch or am i just a loving man who loves his wife or one day will she treat me to a female we both can enjoy neither of us are bi but i hope one day she will try and i no i would pleasure both of them not letting either of them miss out my fantazy she had hers and enjoyed herself
  • adverture50
    Great article.. as we have just started a MMF encounter and Mrs is looking to explore her BI side. As for me having an extra guy is a great opportunity to not only explore my BI/curious side but to see the pleasure that it brings Mrs is just fantastic. Open sexual adventure.
  • 3somefun200
    For me an MFM 3some is the best sex I have, perhaps the voyeur in me but love making a hot lady the centre of attention. Totally straight but don't mind a bit of contact during DP or when our cocks come together in her mouth. See a few of us single guy do genuinely enjoy a straight MFM threesome.
  • zonavar
    Have never had the opportunity to experience any type of more-than-one-other-person sexual intimacy but would very much like to. Yeah most guys seem to think a fantasy with two other women (maybe one who's a partner), or with a couple, is where it's at. Women probably tend to want involvement with other women in a couple and the guy is not really the main focus, but it all probably depends on one's previous experiences and how far 'outside the square' the potential participants want to go.
  • feelinu
    Interesting and heaps of debate maybe generated but I tend to agree with Flashjewels comments
  • CityFun63
    Yep, multi-directional MFM tops my list.
  • boris8
    Ido believ that it depends ot the particpants, likes, I like fmf, but not to just to have 2 girls on me I think its a real threat seeing or watching a girl touching gracfully another girl and hope to learn some thing new from a girl herslef, I do realise that a girl myth like to be touched differently but they know more how to pleas one each other, and its nice to see the other being helped out to be be pempared and taken to certain high levil of enjoyment. very informay\tive subject.
  • Travas2
    i love multidirectional ones myself eithe MFM, FFM and have enjoys a few MMM's as well
  • 3sumsRus
    Whether it's unidirectional or multidirectional, agree that MFM with bi guys is the best. FMF can easily give rise to jealousy, so we stay away from it. When we are going to play, first we compile a shortlist based on what we can deduce from the profile; then he calls the prospects, which sorts the wood from the trees. Finally, she chooses one and we have a 3-way phone call and set up the meet. Works well for us.
  • MasterE
    Thank you for the eye-opening article. I could imagine many people who try any number of guys and/or any number of girl permutations have the options of trying A, B and C all at the same encounter. It comes down to the individual if they're willing to have their bread buttered on both sides haha.
  • hotoutbackcoupl
    I do agree that MFM are the best threesome's as i love getting plesured by 2 blokes and do feel like the luckiest girl in the world when i get all the attention.And my partner loves arranging them as he loves pleasing me and get's a quick out of it when i'm worn out. ;)
  • lookn4funnfrend
    Well written and informative, both MFM and FMF are great in their own ways
  • yepamgame
    They are the best sex I reckon. We have MFM threesomes all the time with a hot couple from Kewarra Beach and the MM interaction isnt a worry and actually enhances the experience. I once said to C, the female of the couple, do you feel liked the worlds most desired woman and she said why is that and I replied at this point in time you are with two of us taking turns spoiling the hell out of her. Had a couple of FMF's but nowhere near as erotic as the MFM.
  • hughesy57
    I enjoy mfm or mmm and then the fun one mfmfm. Three or more people who are into this type of fun usually have a very intimate evening and all leave very fullfilled and exahausted. Its all great fun
  • slivskyde
    i've tried all type of 3soms and they have all been different. The best thing is when you are with people who leave their worries about being labelled at home (mainly the guys) and you just go for what ever flows. One of the best experiences ive had has been when a totally str8 guy was involved in a MFM 3som and i ended up going down on him. He almost blew straight away! It didnt turn him, but it DID open him up for doing it again even 1on1! lol. You never know unless you try and i say, try it all! ;-) (playing safely of course!)
  • Rubyrocks
    We have had a few 3somes mfm, I find it great seeing my lady enjoying another guy and him enjoying her. It always finishes with us 2 guys tag teaming her which drives her crazy. All good fun anyway :)
  • crystallica
    Well I have offered my services for couples and when I inform them that I want it to be unidirectional, ie ME being primarily the adored object and recipient of pleasure they have NEVER followed through. It seems the boys want me to give them a show with their girl then do us both and that dynamic doesnt work at all for me..ho hum
  • nortieatfortie
    a very informative article. i have never been in a threesome but having read this article perhaps i have been missing out on some real sexual fun
  • CN65779
    The best threesome would be me making love to 2 other women at the same time, Its not all about bam wham thank you mam, rather, please two women until they have multiple orgasims and do it for a couple of hours. In reality most QLD women are far too conservertives :(
  • trayway6977
    I just love 2, 3, 4, 5 or moresomes as long as its all consensual it doesnt matter , whether there are more males or females " More the Merrier "
    its always each to their own & acceptance of whatever all involved enjoys
  • skyef
    informitive well wriiten and we enjoyed reading it. and covered all groups well thank you
  • PlayfulPom3182
    Very insightful. Ihve been extremely lucky as all playmates and couples have been excellent communicators. The benefit is knowing the focus , not will he do that, will she do this angst. Thanks Chantelle for the affirmation
  • happy-boy
    I have had many 3somes with girls only FMF & as long as the girls are into each other with no inhibitions + no jealousy it's absolutely brilliant. The only problem is that usually jealousy kicks in, doesn't matter how considerate you are. At the end after having a very lively sex life all my life, personally I actually rather have a good quality night with one girl than couple of jealous girls trying to compete with each other.
  • tonymay
    well we have had a few 3somes over the years agree the main fantasy of males is to play with2 women preferably bi which we have done so fmf also we have had the other way as well mfm which wife enjoys a lot and we also me having bi tendencies enjoy a full on threesome with bi people only. we have also had the 4some ei another cpl where all are bi which is great as well no one is left out ;) so all u people out there wanting to do it just go for it with which ever combo u like. we know which ones we prefer but all are different which is just as well
  • Rockyman35
    hmmmm what ever defination threesome or threesum lol sounds like a hell of a fun night to me......
  • sydcplplay
    Definitely agree with Flashjewels when it comes to fmf and men's fantasy bucket list. In our 4 fmf experiences (3 occasions with the same 2 females, one fem always being my partner), the scenario is not planned, it unfolds naturally, this being for MOST part, the 2 females indulging uninhibitedly, whereupon during the course of events, timing calls for the male to interact (without complaints LOL), in providing play and penetration and additional orgasm for both, during which fmf interaction continues in several ways. Respectfully, this is not a case where, as you suggest, "mimics the Duracell/Energizer bunny", but simply a continuance of the variety enjoyed by all.
    Only speak for our experiences and appreciate not the case for those couples on here who seek straight fems only to join them.
    Very curious as to the percentage of straight fems on here seeking straight couples? Ok, enough, back to search section looking for bi fems seeking couples with bi fem :)
  • biluvers
    Bi 3somes are the best, no one cares who Touches who, we love them MMF FFM MFM FMF, nothing better if you have no Taboos holding you back.
  • gemini1947
    We have found that having a third party heightens our sexual pleasures for several days afterward.
  • cletrac1922
    Very much enjoy been in a MFM situation, and neither male is bi. Sure, there is physical contact between everyone, and nothing nicer than going oral on her, after both guys have climaxed inside her
  • camper1962
    for us,,me and my partner.we are still leaning the enjoyment from it,mfm being good but yet to have fmf.but looking.
  • yowzer697
    like just about everyone I'm open to a threesome with the right people and right circumstances. To me fmf is equal to mmf.
  • BustyGeorgette
    There is nothing more sensual than being taken to new heights of arousal with more than one partner. I have found that 2 men who are compatible sexually give a heightened erotic orgasm. I also say that each to their own.
  • SensualAfection
    I would love to be that woman in the middle. Hard enough finding one guy let alone two though. : /
  • funmummy44
    Well it is something that I am willing to try
  • Flashjewels
    I have to disagree with your interpretation of the majority of men's fantasy bucket list. I have found from talking to men and believe me I have talked to a lot in my 64 years that most men when it comes to FMF are more interested in watching the 2 women focussing on each other rather than on him.
  • paddy138
    I do prefer fmf, but mfm is ok as long as the guy doesnt touch me. How the hell that is going to happen on this site I dont know. All response I get is negative. One on one with a girl would be nice too, but there only negative response. Us guys outnumber the girls 10 to 1 on hear. Hopefully things will change for the better for me soon.
  • Philthi
    very interesting reading. thank you it kind of ratifies my own personal idea of " if it feels right, go for it"
  • ifp2004
    Very well written. Its all about choice..but most folk have too many taboos to really enjoy the true pleasures of being inolved in the full spectrum of the terminology you so aptly decsribed.
  • leisurely
    thanks for your easy-to-read outline of a field of pleasure which is all too often left in the world of fantasy! We should all be inspired to get out there and enjoy the world of threes!
  • weerobby67
    I'm still dreaming of a threesome, never been there.
  • taz4fun
    still dreaming of a MFF threesome......
  • Bendigoian
    Chantelle thanks for the informative insight on this very exciting way of having some group fun, I cant wait to try it in which ever direction it takes.
  • SuthenCumfort4U
    Could't have expressed it more clearly, can agree with MOST of the observations and comments but as for the male #1 bucket list have to disagree. MY perspective, but there again EACH TO THERE OWN
  • w.inticipation
    it all depends on the chemistry open muti bi just sexy fun cheers,
  • SexySaucySuzie
    Enlightening article, well written and easily understood by a novice (me). TY Chantelle
  • jacktar.15
    3somes in my fantasy are awesome, in reality, 3some with MFM is my preferred as i get gr8 pleasure out of watching the lady having a fantastic orgasm with some help from 20 fingers, 4 hands, 2 tongues and 2 cocks.
  • dougie5
    I believe it depends on what people put in their profiles,and the honesty it displays to other people,
  • MrMrsPlaymate
    We just love multidirectional threesomes - everyone is pleasured. It is such a sensual, sexual experience.
  • 40aussie
    mmm nice to know im not typical,mfm all the way
  • horneeDevil26
    very eye opening :) thank you..
    hopefully others we talk too will be in the know of the lingo also.
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