Orgasmic sex can clear a stuffy nose!

Attractive dark skinned woman using a hanky to clear her stuffy nose

This has got to be the most fun and inexpensive way to clear a stuffy nose… Have sex! 

Although it sounds odd, researchers have shown that the physicality of having sex along with the rush of adrenalin during orgasm can help relieve a stuffy nose. 

A small study conducted in 2021 found that nasal breathing improved significantly after sexual intercourse which resulted in an orgasm for up to 60 minutes. Researchers already knew that physical exercise could have a positive effect on nasal airways, so this study set out to investigate the effect of sex on nasal breathing. The study found a significant improvement in nasal flow immediately after orgasm with results equal to using a nasal decongestant spray.

The study’s lead researcher Olcay Cem Bulut, an ENT professor and doctor at the SLK Clinics in Germany told Insider that "the research didn’t investigate why or how sex unblocks the sinuses, but that something in the “combination of sexual arousal, excitement, physical activity and the climax at the end can possibly help to improve nasal breathing.”

And it’s far more fun than using a nasal spray….

Basically the soft tissue inside your nose contains blood vessels called turbinates which can swell in a similar way to erectile and labial tissue in the genitals. This results in blocking your nasal passage causing congestion and making it difficult to breathe. 

When you’re aroused your sympathetic nervous system kicks in and adrenalin increases causing those blood vessels to constrict. You’ll notice that you can begin to breathe more easily because there is less blood flow, which in turn means less inflammation and the results should last for up to an hour. 

To achieve the best results use sex positions where the partner with the stuffy nose isn’t on their back so you can leverage gravity at the same time. 


Keep in mind the study only looked at partnered sex so there are no statistics on whether solo sex has the same outcome. 

But if you have a willing partner then a session a day may very well help to keep the doctor away. 

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