How to safely store your sex toys
Sex toys are excellent. They are a brilliant way to enhance your play time and increase your orgasms, and these days most of us have more than one for our various needs. But what do you do with them when they're not in use?
Sex toys, especially lately with all their whizz-bang scientific magic inside, can be incredibly expensive, so just chucking them loosely into a drawer is not a great idea, and can even void the warranty, not to mention how unhygienic that can be!
So here are our top tips for storing sex toys to keep them fresh and hygienic, as well as safe and long lasting so you can use them for many years of mind blowing orgasms.
Make Sure They're Clean
Cleaning your sex toys should be as important as playing with them. It keeps them hygienic and safe and also looks after the materials they're made of. Using a proper, purpose-made sex toy cleaner is your best bet as they have no harsh chemicals that could damage the materials or, more importantly, your insides, but that will make sure all germs and bacteria and other nasties are removed for your next session. The best way to use one is just give the toy a big all over spray, leave it for ten or so minutes and rinse it off. Let it dry and them pop it away in a storage bag or box.
Take Out Batteries
If you're using a toy that runs on batteries it's a really good idea to take them out after each use. Keeping the batteries inside can actually drain the power slowly as they sit there, or pretty fast if they accidentally turn on without your knowledge, but the main reason to remove them is that, if left too long, batteries can degrade and leak and completely ruin your toy for any further use. Even if it's just a cheap toy, not being able to use it when you really want to use it can be a huge frustration, and so it's worth doing everything you can to prolong its life.
Do You Know Where Your Charger Is?
The more sex toys you have the trickier it can be keeping everything together in the same spot. Making sure you have the right charger for your toys is important, as is getting rid of ones you don't need any more. Rummaging around a tangle of cords and plugs to find the exact connection you need is time consuming and annoying and so it's a great idea to keep your toys and their chargers together or at least close enough so you know which goes with what and where they all are.
Toy Bags and Boxes
Almost every sex toy you buy these days will come with a storage bag. From your $50 budget bullet to your $500 NASA tech vibe, they usually all provide you with a little silk or cotton bag in which to house your toy when it's not being used. If yours doesn't, then the shop you bought it from will most likely sell cheap toy storage bags and look, if you're absolutely on a budget and you just cannot afford the extra dollars for a bag, which i totally understand in this economy, then why not just MacGyver one?
Socks and Bags and Shoeboxes, Oh My!
The cost of living is high. Rent, petrol, food, everything is expensive and so forking out money for things like sex toy boxes and bags and cleaners and all that extra stuff can seem a little bit OTT, and it's also kind of important in the whole health and hygiene thing, but don't worry too much! A ready-made sex toy bag isn't made of anything special. it's basically cotton or silk or something similar to that, and you've got heaps of things in your house that you can use instead.
A pair of clean socks or a stocking is the perfect size and shape for most sex toys, and then there's those ziplock bags for packing the kid's sandwiches in. A shoebox under the bed is a brilliant little storage container for those sock-wrapped toys, and if you're so inclined, or possibly worried that little eyes and hands might come across it somehow, you can buy a cheap metal box and a padlock to make them even more secure.
Avoid The Jelly
While we say this a lot, it's important to reiterate that we always recommend you buy sex toys made out of proper medical grade silicone and materials like glass and metal that aren't porous. Toys made of jelly (or indeed any toy that says it is silicone with "added extras") is not body safe and will not only be impossible to clean properly, but will also harbour things like mold and bacteria and could even make you very sick. Jelly toys, when stored together touching, will melt and go revoltingly sticky and gross and try to blend into the other one and should be thrown in the rubbish bin, preferably before you've ever even used them.
Sex toys really are your BFF in the bedroom and, like with all your best friends, it's important to take care of them the way they take care of you. With love, care, and the occasional multiple orgasms.
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