Oral Sex on your Period

Attractive woman in medical coat and glasses ready to answer sex related questions

Q: Is there anything dangerous or bad for their health if someone goes down on you on your period? It doesn't seem to bother my boyfriend at all but I think it's a bit icky and I worry that all that blood and gunk is not very good for him. Am I right?

We've talked about period sex before and I think it's really, really important to acknowledge that you think it's a bit icky and to let you know that that's okay. Periods and blood, while a natural part of life, aren't necessarily the most pleasant, let alone sexy, of things for a lot of people and so being a bit uncomfortable about it is completely normal. Forgetting the whole "blood" factor for a minute, just being on your period can be a bloaty, painful, tiring, unsexy thing and the idea of any sort of sex in that time can be the last thing on a lot of minds. Then there's the idea of the actual blood itself. The associations humans have with blood and violence, and of the very real biohazards it can manifest, are also common and, while not necessarily always the case, are completely normal thoughts. 

If the whole idea of it totally icks you out and it's a hard limit no, then you don't need to make any more excuses and justifications. No is a complete sentence and you do not have to give consent to anyone, even your boyfriend, even if he really, really wants you to.

If, however the "ick" is more flexible and something you're not absolutely sure is an absolute "ick" and is just more of an "unknown" coming from all the preconceived ideas of taboo that surround periods etc, then there is some good news.

With a few caveats, period blood, like any fresh blood, is perfectly safe. The caveats, of course, are if you have any sort of bloodborne infection like HIV or syphilis then yes they can be transmitted to your partner, but if you are (as you should be) regularly tested, and/or in a fluid-bonded monogamous relationship, then the risk is about the same as any sort of sexual contact where fluids are shared.

When it comes to any sort of period sex, probably the biggest risk you will come across is the staining of sheets or mattress and in those cases towels and (unscented unflavoured) wet wipes can be your best friend, and there are even ways to have sex on your period that can minimise, and even eliminate the release of blood altogether. 

If, like millions of people, you get incredibly horny and aroused during your period, and really, really want to play but just cannot handle the idea of blood, then dams, tampons or sponges, and menstrual cups are the solution. A dam is a large-ish square of (usually but not always) latex, like a condom, that you lay across the vulva as a barrier between the mouth and the genitals. Sponges are basically a stringless, spongey tampon that sits against your cervix and stops the flow of blood, and menstrual cups are soft silicone cups inserted to catch period blood. All of the above can help stop or minimise the transferral of blood from vag to face and are an excellent solution to the "blood problem". 

While not all cups or tampons are conducive to penetrative sex, they are almost all okay for oral sex (tampon strings can get in the way but are otherwise fine) and you can always get a few different sorts to experiment and play around with. You can buy menstrual cups at most chemists and, while they're still not super available everywhere, sex specific sponges can often be found at adult shops or you can find them online.

It should also be mentioned, because often oral sex can turn into penetrative sex, that just because the risks are minimal, they still exist like in all sex, and just because you're on your period it doesn't mean you are risk free from pregnancy. So always remember to be aware of safe sex and take the same sort of preventative measures as you would with any sort of sex.

Good luck and don't forget the towels!

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Comments (21)

  • ZorPrime195
    I would not say no at least once to try it, But a lot of women I have dated etc have been very shy and hide the fact that the red witch is there.
    No play, no fun no nothing.
    I just accepted it as their thing.
    Having a period is no biggy!
  • LightningQu33n
    I must say personally for me I'm cringing. I don't even like sex during the flowing month. Happy to help out the man but stay way from me. I have to ask and I don't want to sound weird but doesn't other ladies feel they get that period scent? And you worry other smell it even tho they probably don't.
  • ummm100
    i once went down on a girl with her period. She found out she had period when i got up with a face covered in blood. I certainly didnt know.
  • Misharty
    Girls are certainly hornier on their period so why not put a towel down love it
  • neverdull19
    No thanks, I don’t want a guy near my pussy for sex, let alone oral when I have my period. I have other fun options available.
  • looking70s
    A lady on her period - it is natural, an ex girlfriend wanted sex while she had her period, unfortunately for me she wanted it in the shower and in the dark, I could not convince her otherwise - obviously horny as heck but I wasn't allowed to go down on her. Unlike others I'd certainly explore this with a partner if she bought the subject up and wanted too.
  • bob1205
    No thanks, don't like that, reading this article make me loose my appetite for many days! Can a man no wait for a few days? Disgusting!
    • KinkyGirl101
      So a woman on her period makes you lose your appetite? I find your comment disgusting. How about if you can't say something nice or at least informative, don't say anything.
    • PeteLesPaul
      Hey. If a woman can say no, then so can a man. Don't get all uptight about it. We all have, and are entitled to, our individual preferences.
    • phoenix1323
      Of course men can have their preferences. He could’ve phrased it a bit better, if he didn’t want to get a reaction.
  • KinkyGirl101
    Given that a woman bleeds for roughly a week every month that's a lot of downtime if she's sexually active and especially if she's horny given those hormone peaks. Personally I would be uncomfortable with oral sex but penetrative sex - so what! If he's keen so am I. As the article explains there are barriers you can use. And guys, have you never had a woman start her period whilst you were having sex with her? It happens. Get over it.
    • looking70s
      Well said
    • Justfun2626
      Well said girls, some guys are so selfish
    • KinkyGirl101
      @Justfun2626 I didn't mean to imply that guys were selfish, it's just a reality so if one partner is keen then discuss it and see if there is a way to make both feel comfortable. If one still isn't well there are other ways to play. :-)
    • blowjobbi
      Thats happened many a time during our marriage. My other half gets horny just before she has her period. Im down there and she is wet and really enjoying it like i am. Then it starts. We find out usually when i get back up after making her cum and ready for penetrative sex. We just clean up and continue on. Yep we both could say no but we dont want to.
  • Mord45
    If it was with a intimate partner or better half then whatever.. no big deal to me...
    But on a Trashpanda i don't know then fuck no...
    Vampire's probably won't be fussed either way :P
  • Marsbar6969
    I love oral sex and no problems when my lady is on her period. I dont like the taste of blood so I take her to my spa bath, sit her down and clean her out with my glass dildo. She then plugs up with a tampon and we can suck each other. I adore 69ers
  • MandyMaree22
    No thanks, I personally couldn’t think of anything worse and I don’t know any guy that would. Sex sure but not oral.
  • Zamboon
    I know 2 ladies who have had casual lovers who welcomed a call from them to tell them they were having their periods... these guys would be right over for period sex and loved it ...
    Plus when I was a paratrooper in the military and we wore our wings proudly on our chests but special kudos if we walked into the barracks with red wings on our moustache ...
  • Biandbi22
    I had never thought of touching, playing with my partner when she was on her period until one day as she pleasured me she turned to me and said " I have a tampon in, you can still touch and taste me" . Never looked back...
  • Mjtester
    The dolmio grin
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