Everything But The Penis

Naked man clutching his hands over his penis

If you're a person who has a penis, or a person who likes playing with penises, you've probably found that a lot of sex-based articles written about the pursuit of pleasure beyond the ol' "in out, in out" often leaves you out.

While there's an almost infinite number of advice columns out there on vaginas, vulvas, clitorises, and other female erogenous zones and how to touch them, tease them, pleasure them, and learn all about them, when it comes to cocks it's more often than not a brushed off "Hey touch his dick, he'll totally dig it" and that's about it. Not only is that completely lazy and unimaginative, it's also doing a huge disservice to both penis owners and those of us who love them, so for this piece I'm going to assume y'all know that guys like their dicks being touched, and give you a few tips, tricks, and suggestions on some of those other places you can explore that have nothing to do with the penis at all, but that can deliver delicious pleasure and sexilicious sensations.

Balls Up

Oh the testicles. So close to the penis, and yet so often neglected when it comes to sexy time. A lot of women have confided to me they don't often play with the balls because they're scared of just how sensitive and delicate they are and are worried they're going to hurt their partner, but to that I say pah! Just don't bite them or overly squeeze or twist them and you should be right! When giving head or a hand job, a light stroking and squeezing, or even some gentle tugging, of the testicles can be incredibly pleasurable. Making them nice and slippery with lube is a great way to make sure you don't accidentally pull on sensitive skin, as well as adding that extra pleasure that lube brings to any play. Stimulating testicles is also really good for their health so if you're in the baby-making phase of your life, it's a great way to keep his sperm active and healthy, while also helping to improve blood flow and ejaculate, which in turn is a really great way to help prevent prostate cancer. Also regularly touching and getting to know your partner's balls is a good way to be able to know when something isn't quite right. Just like doing regular breast checks, discovering lumps and anomalies early can be life-saving.

The Premium Perineum

What a sweet little spot the perineum is. That line of skin between the genitals and the anus that is full of nerve endings and pleasure spots. Whether it's stroked, or licked, or teased with a buzzing toy, or any other way you can think of, that area, on all bodies, is a ticket to deliciousness. For those who aren't too sure about rimming (oral sex on the anus) this is a lovely little halfway spot that allows for both his pleasure, and your ability to explore and play. You can use your hands or your mouth or both - changing it up and incorporating the penis or the butt, or all of them together with a bit of imagination!

Everything Butt

Rimming, spanking, massaging, pegging, plugging... Oh yes, the butt is a source of incredible pleasure for men. It's an often neglected area because of the whole weird "butts are gay" line of thought, but the only time a butt is gay is when it's the butt of a gay person. So relax. If you're straight, then so is your bum and you can totally play with it any time you like! There are so many different ways to play with the butt, and not all of them include penetration, but they all absolutely include pleasure. 

Ear Nibbles and Neck Nuzzles

Just like many women, one of the most common erogenous zones reported by men is their necks and earlobes. Sure, some can find it a little bit too ticklish (solidarity, brother, me too) but for those who don't, it can be one of the most pleasurable sensations ever experienced, and it's almost as far away from the genitals as you can get! Kissing a line down from the bottom of the ear to the top of the shoulder and back up again, pausing to slip the lobe into your mouth, teasing it with your teeth and your tongue... he'll be able to feel your breath, hot and wanting, and hear any whispered words. Running your hand through his hair, or stroking his beard if he has one, and even moving over to kiss his lips and face every so often can add to the closeness of your experience and turn a little bit of nuzzling into an intimate affair.

Everywhere But

The groin, the inner thighs, the lower belly, those sexy "V' lines... Touch and tease and stroke and play but whatever you do... don't touch that dick. You can sweep over it with your breath, pause and linger, licking your lips, making eye contact and giving him a cheeky grin, or a hungry smile... But for now he has to wait... 

Sometimes the tease is more enjoyable than the actual event. The anticipation of touch, the promise of more and, here's a hot little tip: It can be more fun for you, and even more exciting for him, and take him to a whole new level, if you incorporate a blindfold and maybe even some hand ties into your playtime. 

Pure Imagination

While a lot of the mainstream thoughts on men and their sexuality stops at this almost Neanderthal-esque "UGG-UGG WANT TO TOUCH BOOBS AND GET MY DICK SUCKED UGG-UGG" rhetoric, that's just a load of bullshit. Men, like all people are a varied and diverse lot, and so, just like all the rest of us, they have a varied and diverse body full of sweet spots and hidden gems. The feet and toes for example can be a source of incredible pleasure, as can the armpits and inner arms. Some guys absolutely love having their belly buttons played with, and I know this one guy who can get hard just by having the skin behind his knees played with. All you need is imagination and you could find some incredibly erotic sensations in parts of their bodies neither of you ever expected, and, if you're not quite sure what he might like, there's actually a really easy way to fix that.

Touch My Communication 

Yes, you know it, the best way to explore and learn everything you can about your partner and their wants and desires is to communicate. Ask them what they like. Tell them what you might like to try. Try stuff out (with consent of course) and see how they react.

Talking both in and out of the bedroom about the things you like or think you might like is the perfect way to keep your sex life exciting and fresh, and your relationships open and honest. So don't forget that his sexual pleasure is just as diverse and important to explore as yours is, and go and have some fun... But don't touch his dick! (Yet).

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Comments (6)

  • EddieKilleen
    Nipples come in a very close second to the penis for me.
  • Zamboon
    Suck and play with my nipples and Im yours to command .... once I had 2 ladies playing with my nipples - it did take 30 minutes but I came hard without them ever touching my cock...
    As a gay man, I can tell you that the penis is alot more than an organ thats get put into a vagina. I hear it all the time from Bi men about how great it is to just have oral sex without having to perform and fuck their wife/Girlfriend! JUST ORAL SEX.
    How they never knew how great it feels to have their cock and balls worked on by a mouth and/or hands. From what I hear, alot of women - and men - think as soon as the penis gets hard, it should be plunged into a vagina.
    I have met men who have never laid back and had their cock and balls worked over with a great blowjob. Their entire sexlife has been 'my cock is hard, so lets fuck' ..... seriously never had a blowjob.
    That then leads us into - I have cum now so sex is finished - how about continuing to play after he has cum and in 10-15-20 minutes "Ohhh look, its got hard again" and you can have more fun. I have recently met a guy that has never cum more than once in a session of sex - never knew it was a 'thing'. He was totally a 'cum and Im done' guy. Blew his mind that I made him cum twice (oral sex).
    I can tell you, the penis is an amazing sex organ in its own right and you can bring a guy to an amazing (multiple) orgasms leaving your man totally breathless and spent - without the need to have intercourse.
    Lightly run your tip of your tongue along your man's Perineum, and you will blow his mind!!!
    A little tip for the women here - believe it or not, your men dont ALWAYS want to fuck.
    Try it.
  • jenoo1
    A lot of women don't realise, it's a man's mind that is his biggest erogenous zone.
    It needs a heading in this article too.
  • AdHoC47
    This is FANTASTIC!...
    So often I get partners lunging for my crotch like some kind of sausage hungry bogan at a Bunnings, but if I'm honest I don't really enjoy receiving oral pleasure all that much and more than a few times I've lost my erection when they have latched on just after proclaiming how great they are at it.
    **(more to do with my own hangups than their technique)**
    For Me it's my big head not the small head that will keep me going, tease me and make me want you and I will go all night.
    But if it's a wham bam one dimensional experience for Me, then chances are I won't stay at attention or come back to attention again very quickly.
    Definitely talk about what you like with your partner, it makes the experience so much better and gives you a great opportunity to talk about and set limits and safe words etc.
    Thanks Ms Sless!
    Stay Safe, Stay Sexy!
  • qick-e
    nothing better than having your balls sucked , while having a nice prostate finger , (clean shaven balls of course )
    you can have a lovely orgasm without ever having your Cock touched
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