Let's Bust Some Myths about What Men Don't Care About During Sex
When it comes to sexual intimacy, some women can find it a little hard to relax and let go. This is partly because for so many years women have been told they need to be "perfect" so that men will want them, and also because the "how to be perfect" is not only constantly changing, but is also nigh on impossible to achieve. You just need to look at advertisements targeted at women throughout the ages to see this in play.
We've been told to douche with bleach cos our bits smell too much like vaginas. To starve ourselves to emaciation because we're too fat. To pluck almost every hair from our bodies cos ew, hair is yuck.
We paint our faces, flatten our curves, contort our feet, squish our bodies, and change or enhance so much of who we actually are, because we're conditioned to believe not only is that what men want, but also to believe that what men want should be the priority as to what we want.
Not only is this utter bullshit because there's no such thing as perfection, it's also utter bullshit because men, for the most part, are nowhere near as shallow and picky about women's bodies and aesthetics as society will have us believe, and are often completely shocked to find out that that's what women do, and that they do it because that's apparently what men want.
Now as you all know, I am not a man. But I do have a lot of men in my life, and I have slept with a lot of men, and have spent many, many hours talking to men about sex, intimacy, and all the things society puts out there for all genders and sexualities, so I think I can safely give you all a short but comprehensive list of all those things we as women have been told men care about during sex but, in actual reality, they really don't give two damns about.
Matching Undies
Seriously, most guys don't give a shit what your undies look like. They're far more interested in getting them off you than anything else and while sure, you want them to be clean and not full of holes, many women don't even HAVE matching sets.
My girlfriends and I even have a running joke that when we DO wear matching underwear sets we're probably going to end up dead later that day. That's cos probably the only time women are ever seen in matching bras and undies (unless they're walking in a Victoria Secret runway show) is when a she is dead on the slab on an American crime show.
Sure, a matching set can be super sexy and sometimes that's a whole part of the sexy time, and can make you feel good about yourself, but for the most part, it's really not important to the man in your bed.
Your Belly Rolls
We all have them. Even super models have them. (OMG even men have them!!) They are there because our skin needs to be able to bend and flex to hold in our internal organs without ripping.
Some of us are more curvy and have extra rolls and that's okay too. Fat is not a dirty or bad word. It's just a thing some of us have. Some guys love those extra bits. They love the feel of the softness of your skin. They love the fullness of your belly. The extra curves to grab. They love the weight of your body on them. They just really, really like you and everything you are. You are comfort and warmth and gorgeously sexy and they are very much in love with touching every part of you.
Your Scent
This is probably one of the biggest, and possibly most dangerous, lies ever told to women - that the natural smell of their vagina is gross and dirty, and off-putting to men.
This is absolutely false and is designed to do nothing but make women feel ashamed and spend money on products they don't need. The scents that come from an excited and horny vagina can be one of the most erotic and arousing smells a man can come across, with many men telling me it's utterly intoxicating and mouthwatering.
I say it's dangerous because changing those scents with artificial enhancements, or trying to get rid of them all together, can cause all sorts of imbalances in your vagina, causing dryness, itchiness, infection, and all sorts of other nasties. Trust me, you smell amazing. That deep, musky, heady scent is like a cartoon pie, hooking them under the nose and dragging them in a hypnotic state to your side. Let them feast!
Varying Vulvae
Your vulva, and all the gorgeous folds and secret spots within, is beautiful. Whether it's long or short, or has visible labia or is all tucked up out of sight. Its normal. It's gorgeous. And he absolutely wants to touch it, taste it, play with it, and make it shiver.
While sure, magazines and porn make it look like all vaginas and their associated areas look like a Barbie Doll's, that's just not reality, and most men know this, just as most women know that all penises come in different shapes, sizes, and colours.
The labia are often a different, darker colour to the outer vulva and inner skin, and their shape and size varies as much as any other body bit varies from someone else's. The whole area itself is as unique to you as your fingerprints are and, for so many men, exploring and discovering how yours works and what yours likes is an adventure they're excited about taking. Just as you should never try and compare yourself to a strategically posed, highly airbrushed model in a magazine, so too should you stop comparing your bits to what you see in porn. It's not real, you are, and that's what he wants.
Queefs and Other Noises
Humans have bodies and bodies make noises. Especially when bodies come into close and intimate contact with other bodies. They just do. Trying to ignore or stop that from happening is a recipe for disaster and embarrassment, and takes away from the fun and silly nature that is sex. A vagina having intercourse gets air trapped inside it. When the obstruction is removed so too does the air escape and sometimes that makes a noise. It's funny! Laugh! If he laughs please know he isn't laughing AT you. He's laughing at the farty noise because farty noises are funny. Also, the more you laugh during sex, the more endorphins are released, and the more enjoyment you will get out of it.
Hairy Bits And Stubbly Legs
Yes, sometimes a bit of stubble can be a little scratchy (hey guys, beards n stuff) but for the most part, having hair on your vulva, legs, or armpits are non issues for men. Sure you'll have some that aren't into it at all, but that's definitely a "them" problem and not a "you" one, and you'll probably know this about them before you get to that pants dropping stage. Pubic hair is something that is definitely making a comeback in all forms of art from pornography to erotic photography and it's a welcome return for many, many people of all genders and sexualities. If you want to shave or wax or de-hair yourself then that's your right, but don't think you have to do it to make yourself more attractive or more desirable to anyone else. It's your body. You can do whatever you like.
In a nutshell, if a man is attracted to you and wants to sleep with you it's because he's attracted to you and wants to sleep with you, rolls and folds and jiggles and all. Even though we've already established there's no such thing as perfection, to him, in that moment, you are perfect, and it's time you thought of yourself in that way too.
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